Cervical Dysplasia via Telecolposcopy

“It is exciting to be on the frontier of women’s health. The EVA system enables us to overcome the geographic challenge we were facing, train new colposcopists and give us oversight over our whole program.” – Dr. Rachel, Medical Director, FPA Women’s Health.

Colposcopy is used to further evaluate abnormal cervical cancer screening tests or abnormal areas seen on the cervix, vagina, or vulva. The colposcope magnifies the appearance of the cervix, which allows your provider to see where the abnormal cells are located. The size and location of abnormal cells helps to determine what treatment, if any, is needed. During colposcopy, your healthcare provider may remove a small piece of abnormal tissue (a biopsy) from the cervix or vagina. To make colposcopy accessible to patients, more clinicians need to complete the ASCCP (American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology) training course and conduct a large number of colposcopies under supervision of an approved mentor.

 The challenge is providing colposcopy training across a wide geographic area. According to the ASCCP steering committee, the current approach to cervical cancer screening in the U.S. fails to adequately reach women living in low-resource, medically under-served regions or socio-economic groups. FPA Women’s Health is working to correct that imbalance, transforming from a single service provider to offering comprehensive gynecological services to thousands of women throughout California.

FPA Women’s Health is committed to using all possible technological advances to enhance our services. The EVA system allows FPA to offer mentorship via telecolposcopy. Using the remote collaboration feature on the EVA System, expert clinicians can view a colposcopy procedure conducted by a clinician training at another location in real-time. Our expert colposcopist guides the trainee on the best practices, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.