I have absolutely no discharge and very little lubrication during sex. Is this normal?

Great question! Lack of vaginal discharge and lubrication can be very uncomfortable during intercourse, or even leave you feeling dry and irritated at other times.

Everyone’s body is different, but in general, having some vaginal discharge is normal and varies in amount for everyone. Discharge is needed for the vagina to flush out bacteria and maintain a healthy Ph balance. A healthy vaginal discharge is usually odorless, can be clear or white in color and is usually a little thick or even sticky.

What could cause you to have less vaginal lubrication than normal?

  • Your menstrual cycle
  • Birth control
  • Dehydration
  • Infections or STIs
  • Lack of arousal

In regards to lubrication during sex, women generally take a little more time to become aroused than men do, and natural lubrication does not happen immediately, so it is important to give your body enough time to catch up before intercourse. Staying hydrated is also very important for increasing your natural lubrication. Luckily, there are great lubricant options if natural lubrication is not cutting it, but remember to always be communicating with your partner if you need more time to “warm up” before sex. Sex should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your partner, so it is important that you talk to them if you are experiencing any discomfort.

One common cause of vaginal dryness is a hormonal imbalance.  As women approach menopause their ovaries stop producing important hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

There are many options for women seeking treatment for hormone replacement therapy.  Please call to schedule an appointment today if you would like more information about our options such as vaginal creams, patches, oral medications, or injectable pellets.

A lack of discharge or lubrication can also be a sign of an infection such as BV, a yeast infection or an STI and you may not have any other symptoms to suggest this. It is important to see a doctor for an exam and infection screening if your lack of discharge is persistent of causing any other problems so you can determine the cause.

Call (877) 883.7264 or go to www.fpawomenshealth.com to book an appointment today!