IUD Removal

Do I need to be asleep to get my IUD taken out?

Great question! We hear from many patients that they are a little apprehensive about getting their IUD removed, but the majority of the time, it is a very simple and quick procedure.

Usually removal of an IUD takes less than a minute and causes brief, minor cramping. Typically, no anesthesia is needed. There are a few situations that can make it a little more complicated:

  • If the strings of your IUD are tucked up in the cervix at the time of removal, the process can take a little longer, but shouldn’t hurt. The strings are usually retrievable with a soft cytobrush which feels similar to a pap smear.
  • Very rare: If your IUD has become embedded in the myometrium, the removal process may require a more extensive procedure and anesthesia. The chances of this happening are about 1/1000.

Like with every birth control method, there are rare risks which patients should be aware of prior to choosing the method that is best for them. Patients have a variety of descriptions of what it feels like to get their IUD removed but some of the most common ones we hear are:

  • A pinch
  • A light cramping feeling
  • A strong cramping feeling
  • Like a pap smear

Everyone has different reactions, but overall, most patients agree that the removal process is worth the 5 or 10 years they have of worry free birth control they get with their IUD. 

Interested in learning more about whether an IUD is right for you? Click here to schedule an appointment.